

  • Dear Parents, Guardians and the Valley Stream British School
    Community, Welcome to the VSBA website.
    We follow the English National Curriculum delivered in an
    international context. As such, we invite students across the age
    range of the school to consider different cultural perspectives
    and reflect on their own learning within the wider world as is
    required for older students following the International
    Baccalaureate Diploma.
  • The Secondary school at VSBA culminates with students taking
    IGCSE examinations in a range of subjects, as is the case with
    schools in the UK. Our curriculum and the IGCSE programs of
    study provide a strong foundation for students to progress to
    more advanced study.

  • VSBA as a school is where, not only your child but your whole family will
    be welcomed and valued as a member of our community. We are very much
    conscious of the privilege we enjoy by virtue of being invited into the
    academic and emotional development of your child.
    Living in a fast advancing world where the education that we give our
    children is more important than it has ever been, it behooves on us to
    ensure that they are assiduously groomed for an adult world that is no
    longer confined to national borders.
    We are proud of the family atmosphere in our school and our
    Secondary students take pride in being role models for the
    younger students. We also plan to offer a wealth of opportunities
    for our older students to exercise leadership and initiative in the
    school through the Student Council and the many events and
    concerts held throughout the year.
    Education is not a preparation for life, but life itself, Welcome to the life of excellence.
  • Our Secondary Age Categories
    Class 1: 11 years and above
    Class 2: 12 years and above
    Class 3: 13 years and above
    Class 4: 14 years and above
    Class 5: 15 years and above
    Class 6: 16 years and above